Covid-19 information & resources
The safety and well-being of members, participants, volunteers, and staff is our top priority.
As an organization, ASA will:
- Monitor all guidance from local, state, and federal authorities, and the Center for Disease Control regarding COVID-19.
- Be prepared to modify our plans to comply with any future guidelines from local, state, or federal authorities.
We ask that Athletes, Wingmen, Captains, & Participants:
- Always follow the guidance from federal, state, local and the protocols laid forth to participate with ASA.
- Stay home if you are feeling sick, have a fever, or have been in contact with someone unrecovered from COVID-19

asa COVID-19 policy
ASA will continue to monitor all Federal, State, and Local guidance and update as necessary.
As of 2/24/2022:
The following mask policies are in accordance with the CDC Mask Guidelines:
- Masks are not required for any outdoor ASA event
- Masks are not required for any indoor ASA event unless specified by venue
- All Wingman Program participants must continue to bring a mask to Group Runs and Races should you be placed on a team with an ASA Athlete who still requests masks be worn.
- If you do not respect an Athlete’s mask request on your assigned team, you will be asked to leave the ASA event.
Do not attend an ASA event if you have ANY of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty breathing
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Diarrhea
The following policies are in accordance with the CDC Quarantine & Isolation Guidelines.
If you are considered up to date with your vaccines per CDC guidelines:
- COVID Exposure: You may attend ASA events, but you must wear a mask for ten days from the date of exposure.
- Positive COVID Test: DO NOT ATTEND any ASA events until your isolation window has closed and you are testing negative. You must continue to wear a mask until your masking window following a positive test has closed.
If you are not considered up to date with your vaccines per CDC guidelines:
- COVID Exposure: DO NOT ATTEND any ASA events until your isolation window has closed.
- Positive COVID Test: DO NOT ATTEND any ASA events until your isolation window has closed.
If you test positive after attending an ASA event in the last 48 hours, inform Julia Kardian ([email protected]) immediately so notifications can be sent. ASA will strictly maintain the confidentiality of a participant who notifies them of a positive test.
If someone tests positive at an ASA event, ASA will send 2 notification emails to attendees of the event:
- Someone tested positive at this event, be on the lookout for symptoms. This email will be sent to everyone.
- Someone tested positive at this event, and you were either on their Wingman Team. Be on the lookout for symptoms. (If you don’t receive a second email within 5 minutes of the first, you were not on their Wingman Team.)
Questions – please email Julia Kardian at [email protected] or call 443-272-1204