2 Opportunities to Try some miles as an ASA Wingman!
Come join us this Spring at one of the opportunities below with our York County, PA Community!
Try 3 Miles Open House Group Run on Wednesday, April 17th at 6pm!
*We run a 5k as teams – each team consists of 1 Captain, 2 Wingmen, 1 ASA Athlete, and 1-2 guests.
*Your Captain for the night will introduce you to your teammates.
*You will have an opportunity to push the jogger and get the full experience of being a Wingman!
Join us to try ASA at the York Road Runners Thirsty Thursday Social Group Run on Thursday April 25th, 6-7pm!
*We will run as a group with the York Road Runners Club and you will have an opportunity to push the jogger.
*Join us at Liquid Heroes afterward to learn more about ASA!
You can preregister on the sign up genius in one of the GUEST spots for either the Try 3 Miles Open House date on 4/17 or the York Road Runners Club run on 4/25. You are welcome to bring others with you even if they don’t have time to pre-register. We can sign them up on site.
If the dates above don’t work for you, register as a GUEST for any group run date that fits your schedule best!
Within South Central, PA ASA has 2 different group run locations for you to choose from.
You will select the location within this community where you will most often attend to fulfil your monthly group run commitment.
Location: City Island Market St. Bridge
Harrisburg, PA 17101
2nd Saturday- 9 AM
Location: Rudy Park, York PA
400 Mundis Race Rd, York, PA 17406
1st & 3rd Wednesday- 6 PM
** York and Harrisburg communities meet in Harrisburg on the 2nd Saturday to train together – all are welcome!

Teresa Meskey
Email: [email protected]
Wingman Teams work together to provide encouragement and physical support to help ASA Athletes experience the joy and thrill of participation in group runs and mainstream races.
ASA Wingmen are volunteer runners who lend their hearts and legs to empower ASA Athletes to cross the finish line.
Wingmen can be new or experienced runners, fast or slow, young or old, and don’t need experience with individuals living with disabilities. When you become a Wingman, you commit to:
- Attend a minimum of 1 Group Run per month (March – November: 7-8 times total).
- Participate in at least 3 race opportunities per year.
- ASA commits to providing every actively participating Wingman one free 10K race or shorter for each month when they fulfill their group run commitment – up to 7 FREE races a year – PLUS ASA RunFests!
- Maintain at least a 12:30 minute/mile run pace for any distance you run with ASA.
- Fundraise $365 for The Wingman Program by December 15th.

ASA Athletes are individuals with limited mobility who desire to race, but cannot do so on their own.
Athletes require wheelchairs or the use of assisted mobility devices in and/or outside their homes. When you become an Athlete, you commit to:
- Attend 1 Group Run each Month
- Participate in 7 Races per Year
- ASA is free for all ASA Athletes
- Live in or near an ASA Community

Questions – email Julie to learn more!
Know anyone in your area who’d make a great ASA Wingman or Athlete, or just want to spread the word? Share this page!